Music composer,
arranger, producer. Freelancer.

Posts archive

Making music in terminal

How far can we go with digital minimalism? Can we make music on cheapest computer?

Leitmotif in film scoring

What are leitmotifs? Why are they great way to create a memorable soundtrack?

What are cue sheets?

Cue sheet makes it easier to prepare a good soundtrack. Let's see how it looks and what its history is.

Modern composers vs music trackers

Composers interested in creating music for retro games often find it hard to work with trackers. One simple tool can make it easier.

Anatomy of horror soundtrack

The first three bars of toccata from Toccata and Fugue in D-minor by J.S. Bach are probably the most recognizable fragment of all horror music clichés. How does Bach's music evoke chills?


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Custom instrumentation

If you can think of any particular style, instrumentation or arrangement that would fit to your project - I can do it for you. Sky is the limit. Just share your idea I'll create your desired soundtrack.

But if you prefer to stay focused on other aspects, you can show me your project, no matter if it is a film, spectacle or video game, you can show me our project and I'll come up with something exclusively for you.

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Montage ready

I can provide you either score sheets or complete, mixed and mastered recordings. Nowadays composer can create big projects only with computer and samples but sometimes real instruments are better solution. You can decide what will be recorded and ho it will be done.